SKU: 113238_NZ Category: Eye Gaze Devices

EyeMobile 5 ft Surface Pro

$6,895.00 ex GST

EyeMobile 5 w Surface Pro. PCEye 5 with TD Control, PCEye 5 bracket, mount plate, Surface Pro 9 (128 GB/i5/8GB RAM). Compl w.New Zealand/ISO Standards.

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Tobii Dynavox EyeMobile 5

Compact and lightweight to meet the demands of those on the go, the Tobii Dynavox EyeMobile 5 allows for completely hands-free access to Windows 10 applications, the Internet, movies, music, e-books, social media sites, and games. It gives users with Spinal Cord Injury, Muscular Dystrophy, ALS and Rett Syndrome the opportunity to live richer, more independent and connected lives.

The Tobii Dynavox EyeMobile 5 is a truly innovative computer access solution. It is composed of the PCEye 5, the multifunctional EyeMobile 5 mounting bracket, and the Microsoft Surface Pro 10 tablet.

Apps for Mental Stimulation, Leisure, Creativity and More

The Tobii Dynavox Computer Control software opens up access to well over 600,000 social, professional, entertainment and educational Windows apps. Now, those with communication and rehabilitative disabilities have more opportunities for recreation, mental stimulation, leisure activities and expressing themselves creatively.

For example, EyeMobile 5 makes it possible to watch movies or television on Netflix or YouTube, listen to music on Spotify, read books on Kindle, and even update Facebook and Twitter.

Innovative User Interface – touch with your eyes

With Tobii Dynavox Computer Control and its Windows 10 Functions Overlay, actions such as touch gestures, various click types, taps, side swipes, and screen snapping, can now all be done by using only the eyes. With this interface in place, users are able to access all the functions and standard apps that run on their Windows 10 tablet without the need for special apps designed for gaze interaction or eye control.

Supports switch and touch input

Computer Control can also be paired with switches for even faster computer access. In addition, Computer Control supports touch and mouse enabled input, allowing caretakers to quickly assist or communicate with users.

Additional Info

Tobii Dynavox Computer Control software is included in this purchase.


Compliance Guide

Compliance Guides – Link Assistive Pty Ltd
Compliance documentation shows you the relevant standards that ensure the device conforms with New Zealand Standards.


2 year manufacturer warranty from Tobii Dynavox & Microsoft

Tech Support Available

Tech Support Available

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