Tobii Dynavox Communicator 5 is a software package designed to help individuals with communication disabilities communicate more efficiently. Communicator 5 converts text and symbols into clear speech, and offers easy-to-use tools for computer access, e-mail, text messaging, telephony, environmental control and more.
More efficient communication for all
Communicator 5 comes with language content designed to match all AAC needs, from emerging communication to literate adults. The content can be further customized for specific individuals through easy-to-use editing tools. Communicator allows you to communicate via text or symbols, and generates high quality speech for face-to-face communication.
The modern user interface, improved workflows and smart functions enable the user to communicate more efficiently than ever before. The setup guide, quick menu, and improved editing are only some of the functions that make it easier for caregivers and anyone else that helps the user throughout the day, to keep the user’s language up to date.
While being specifically designed for the Tobii Dynavox I-Series+, Communicator works on Windows computers running Windows 7 or newer, such as the Microsoft Surface.