To ensure that our waitlists remain as short as possible we encourage you to speak to one of our speech pathologists regarding the best option for you to trial. There are times that multiple devices will need to be trialled to determine the most suitable device.
Link Assistive and Clinicians
Helping Health Professionals provide solutions.

How can we help health professionals?
Trials and
Setup support
For our full list of our clinical services:

Communication technology
We are a New Zealand supplier for Tobii Dynavox hardware and software, to assist clients with communication (Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices) and access (e.g. eye-gaze).
Access technology
We supply access equipment from a range of manufacturers including switch technology, alternative mice, alternative keyboards, and much more.

Mounting solutions
We are a supplier for Rehadapt mounting. We can provide solutions for mounting communication devices and consumer devices (e.g. phone, tablet).
Our Clinical Team
Quoting for funding
We can help you by providing a personalised quote for your Assistive Technology funding application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s chat about how Link Assistive can help you.
We can help you with removing barriers to communication and by providing access to information and technology within the Assistive and Sensory technologies space.